1st time aku join GA beliau ( http://www.eqbalzack.com ) , aku terjumpa GA ni melalui blog kak wanieys kebetulan ja. terpanggil untuk join, mana tau ada rezeki. hihihi, GA ni dianjurkan sempena hari lahir beliau yang ke 38 pada 12 nov nanti..;-)
Ni la hadiah2 yang ditawarkan, memang bertuah la siapa yang terpilih sebagai pemenang kan..
TWO[2] winners
Him/her will receive a Black Wallet and Red Purse by Alain Delon (Original)
FOUR [4] winners
FOUR [4] winners
It’s the original miniature from DKNY and RALPH LAUREN!
Join now, because FOUR [4] of you (him/her) will win a bottle!
TEN [10] winners
Join now, because FOUR [4] of you (him/her) will win a bottle!
TEN [10] winners
TEN [10] PARTICIPANTS will receive Eqbal Zack (EZ) Limited Editon Fridge Magnet
ni syarat-syarat penyertaan:
Please read carefully, as I reserve the right to disqualify any incomplete entries.
2. Write a simple blog post (Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Inggeris) about this giveaway. You can copy and
paste your entry from here. The title of your entry will be: "Happy Birthday Eqbal Zack (Giveaway)".
3. Come back here and leave the permalink (URL) in the **comment box.
4. Send me an awesome “Birthday Wish” (Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa Inggeris) via CONTACT FORM.
5. This giveaway runs from today until 12 November 2012 (11:59PM).6. Winners will be announced on the 19 November 2012 (10:00 AM).
Gud luck pada semua yang menyertai..;-)

good luck..
hadiah2 mmg best kan.. ;-)
ohsem hadiah2 dia
gudluck k
salam kenal juga :-)
kak ina: thanx akak,memang pun,akak jom la join sekali, tarikh dia lambat lagi..
kak wanieys: ye akak, hihihi, bertuahla sapa yang menang kan..
akak singgah...
tu la, tgk adiah best cam nak join.. tp bila tgk nk bg ucapan u, rs mcm xda peluang sbb kak ina x kreatif.. hihi
hihihhih...ucapan yang simple jer akak.. sesaja seronok2 join, seronok join GA orang..hihi
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